12 Jan Protecting Your Family From Harmful UV Rays
When it comes to sun exposure, many of us now know what things to avoid. Perhaps, it is passing up on the tanning bed, wearing a ball cap to the game or lathering up on sunscreen before a trip to the beach. While sun protection is at the forefront of our minds during specific activities such as prolonged outdoor exposure or swimming on a summer’s day, it often gets put on the backburner during other times of life.
Many of us do not dwell on the importance sun protection during the gloomy winter months. We most likely do not even give thought to sunscreen if we are in the comforts of our own home, tucked away from direct sunlight.
However, many may be surprised to know that skin damage from the sun can still happen during the winter months, and even when we are inside our house or car. The sun emits UV rays that can be harmful and damaging to our skin, with the possibility to lead to things such as melanoma. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation’s website, “Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of the breast, prostate, lung, and colon.”
We are exposed to UV rays regardless of the season and regardless of whether we are indoors or outdoors. In fact, you may be surprised to know that you can soak up harmful UV rays just sitting by a window on an overcast day.
This is where window tinting comes into play, acting as a built-in sunscreen. While blinds or curtains may keep the sun out on a bright day, they do not block the UV rays that can cause skin damage. Window tinting is the best answer to block harmful UV rays while allowing you to keep full visibility through your windows. Window tinting also has the additional benefits of insulating your home and cutting down on your utility bills.
You may not notice the difference while looking through your tinted windows, but your skin certainly will! Protect your family and check out our residential tinting service. We offer a number of shades and colors for our tints and will work with you each step of the way to create the look you are satisfied with.
Enjoy the peace of mind you will receive by protecting your home and loved ones. Schedule an appointment today. We will come to you!